literature (selection) |
András, Edit: Kárpit a kortárs nemzetközi színtéren (Tapestry in the Contemporary Art Scene). Kárpit [catalogue], Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest, 2001, pp.40-44. |
András, Edit: Az öneszmélés útján (The Path of Self-Actualization). Új Művészet, 2002. november, pp.12-16. |
András, Edit: Metamorphoses Tapestry Now Kárpit 2 [catalogue], Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest, 2005, pp.54-56. |
András, Edit: Contemporary Hungarian Tapestry Art in an International Context. In: Tapestry art in Hungary, Vince, Budapest, 2005 pp.165-188 |
Blume, Pamela: An Ancient Form, Harmoniously Rethought. The Atlanata Journal-Constitution, Aug 21. 1998 |
Callen, Kate: Tapestry Biennial IV. American Craft, 2003. February/March, p.76. |
Cronenberg, Thomas: Artapestry. Textilforum, 3/2005 pp.23-24 |
Fitz, Peter: "+- Gobelin". VI. Biennial of Tapestry and Spatial Textile 1980.Textilkunst/4, Dezember 1980, pp.150-153 |
Goldsmith, Shelly: Juror's Statement. American Tapestry Biennial Six. [catalogue], ATA, 2006 p.3 |
Hales, Linda: The Warp and Weft of Modern Times, Contemporary Tapestry at Textile Museum, The Washington Post, 2004. March, p.27 |
Hemmings, Jessica: Artapestry2 European Tapestry Forum, Bergen, Crafts, July/August 2009: pp.70-71 |
István, Mária: Európa szövete, egy szimbolikus vállalkozás, Magyar Iparművészet, 2014/4. pp.17-19 |
István, Mária: A modern kárpitművészet válaszútjai. Új Művészet, 2014, augusztus, pp.53-55 |
Kürthy, Emese: Női szakma (Women's Profession). |
Kröhnke, H. Jochimsen: 4th International Tapestry Festival, Beauvais. Textilforum 4/99 |
Hungarian Fine Art at the Millenium The Raiffeisen Collection Raiffeisen zRt. Budapest, 2000, pp.71-72 |
Marcus, Sharon: Tapestry at Fernbank. American Tapestry Biennial II., [catalogue] Fernbank Museum of Natural History, Atlanta, USA, 1998, pp.5-7 |
Mathison, Fiona, Penney, Caron, Wilcox, Timothy (ed): Tapestry: A Woven Narrative. London, Black Dog Publishing, 2011 pp.98-99 |
O'Sullivan, Michael: Woven with Threads of Meaning. The Washington Post, 2004 Sept.3. |
Pálosi, Judit: Tapestry Art in Hungary in the Second Half of the Twentieth Century. Tapestry Art in Hungary, Vince, Budapest, 2005, p.84 |
Poggy, Pat: A Personal View of Harmony and Encore. Tapestry Topics, Fall 1998 |
Schulcz, Katalin: Kárpit földön és égen...(Tapestry on the Earth and Sky...) Átrium, Budapest, 1996/6 |
Sidore, Micala: Aesthatic Influences. Tapestry Topics, Sum, 2005 pp.3-18 |
Sidore, Micala: By Hand in the Electronic Age. Tapestry Topics, Fall 2004, pp.15-18 |
Stevens, Rebecca-Sterk, Beatrijs: Karpit-Tapestry, an Exhibition in Budapest. Textilforum, 3/2001 |